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What this limited warranty covers; period of coverage.

Tokenize Inc.,“Token”, located at 4545 East River Road West Henrietta NY 14623 Suite 310, warrants to the owner of the enclosed product that the product contained in this box (“Product”) will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of delivery following the original retail purchase (the “Warranty Period”). If the Product fails to conform to this Limited Warranty during the Warranty Period, Token will, at its sole discretion, either (a) repair or replace any defective Product or component; or (b) accept the return of the Product and refund the money actually paid by the original purchaser for the Product. Repair or replacement may be made with a new or refurbished product or components, at the sole discretion of Token. If the Product or a component incorporated within it is no longer available, Token may, at Token’s sole discretion, replace the Product with a similar product of similar function. This is your sole and exclusive remedy for breach of this Limited Warranty. Any Product that has either been repaired or replaced under this Limited Warranty will be covered by the terms of this Limited Warranty for the longer of (a) ninety (90) days from the date of delivery of the repaired Product or replacement Product, or (b) the remaining Warranty Period. This Limited Warranty is transferable from the original purchaser to subsequent owners, but the Warranty Period will not be extended in duration or expanded in coverage for any such transfer. 

Warranty conditions; how to get service if you want to claim under this limited warranty.

Before making a claim under this Limited Warranty, the owner of the Product must (a) notify Token of the intention to claim by emailing during the Warranty Period and providing a description of the alleged failure, and (b) comply with Token’s return shipping instructions. Token will have no warranty obligations with respect to a returned Product if it determines, in its reasonable discretion after examination of the returned Product, that the Product is an Ineligible Product (defined below).

What this limited warranty does not cover.

This Limited Warranty does not cover the following (collectively “Ineligible Products”): Products marked as “sample” or “Not for Sale”, or sold “AS IS”; or Products that have been subject to: (a) modifications, alterations, tampering, or improper maintenance or repairs; (b) handling, storage,installation, testing, or use not in accordance with the Terms of Service or other instructions provided by Token; (c) abuse or misuse of the Product; (d) breakdowns, fluctuations, or interruptions in electric power or the telecommunications network; or (e) Acts of God, including but not limited to lightning, flood, tornado, earthquake,or hurricane. Token recommends that you use only authorized service providers for maintenance or repair. Unauthorized use of the Product or software can impair the Product’s performance and may invalidate this Limited Warranty. This Limited Warranty does not apply to anything other than the Products, including any software, even if packaged or sold with the Products. Software distributed by Token (including, but not limited to system software) is not covered under this Limited Warranty. Refer to the licensing agreement accompanying the software for details of your rights with respect to its use. Token does not warrant that the operation of the product will be uninterrupted or error-free.

Disclaimer of warranties.

Except as stated above in this limited warranty, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Token disclaims all express, implied, and statutory warranties and conditions with respect to the product, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Token also limits the duration of any applicable implied warranties or conditions to the duration of this limited warranty.

Limitation of damages.

In addition to the above warranty disclaimers, in no event will Token be liable for any consequential, incidental, exemplary, or special damages, including any damages for lost data or lost profits, arising from or relating to this limited warranty or the product, and Token's total cumulative liability arising from or related to this limited warranty or the product will not exceed the amount actually paid for the product by the original purchaser.

Limitation of liability.

The Token software application (“application”) provides you information (“product information”) regarding your Token products or other peripherals connected to your products (“product peripherals”). The type of product peripherals that may be connected to your product may change from time to time. Without limiting the generality of the disclaimers above, all product information is provided for your convenience, “as is”, and “as available”. Token does not represent, warrant, or guarantee that product information will be available, accurate, or reliable. You use all product information, the application, and the product at your own discretion and risk. You will be solely responsible for (and Token disclaims) any and all loss, liability, or damages, including to your product, product peripherals, computer, mobile device, and all other items, resulting from your use of the product information, application, or product.

Your rights and this limited warranty.

This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other legal rights that vary by state, province, or jurisdiction. Likewise, some of the limitations in this Limited Warranty may not apply in certain states. The terms of this Limited Warranty will apply to the extent permitted by applicable law. For a full description of your legal rights you should refer to the laws applicable in your jurisdiction and you may wish to contact a relevant consumer advisory service.